JCW's 25-Year Integrated Plan:
Renewing Life's Essential Resource

An Integrated Plan (IP) supports strategic and financial planning by examining an organization’s existing resources and future needs.

It is a thoughtful, equitable, and collaborative process for developing a long-term investment plan that:

Integrated Planning Process

JCW began the IP process in 2019 and identified the need for $2.1 billion (in 2018 dollars) in future infrastructure projects over a 25-year period. These projects include both individual capital projects and ongoing system renewal and maintenance efforts. These capital investments will allow JCW to address growing customer demands and meet US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) requirements.

In addition to identifying capital projects and system improvements, JCW’s 25-year IP focuses on the personnel, communication and planning resources that are needed to support and deliver those activities.