Get Started with Live App Testing

This page provides an introduction on how to use Amazon's Live App Testing (LAT) service. For a conceptual overview of Live App Testing, see Understanding Live App Testing.

For an overview of the LAT submission process, watch the following video tutorial.

Note: Only accounts with administrator or developer roles have permission to create a Live App Test, end it, or promote it to upcoming. To see the role assigned to your account, log into the Developer Console and select Settings from the top navigation bar. The My Account tab displays a checkmark next to your role.

Tip: You can use Live App Testing to test your app on Windows Subsystem for Android™.

Create a Live App Test

To get started, follow these steps.

Shows the Create Live App Test screen. Required fields are listed next.

  1. Go to the Developer Console Dashboard, sign in to your account and select your app. If you don't have an app listing for your app yet, follow these steps:
    1. From the top navigation bar, select Apps & Services >My Apps.
    2. Select Add new app and choose the type of app.
    3. Complete the New App Submission page, click Save, then go to step 2.
  2. Select Live App Testing under your app's name.
  3. If this is the first time you are setting up a test for your app, select Create a new Live App Test and skip to step 6.
  4. If you have previously set up a test for your app, when you select Live App Testing, you are taken to the Live App Testing dashboard. Click New Test.
  5. On the Create a Live App Test dialog, choose whether you want to copy the details from the version of your app that is currently live, or from the previous Live App Test, then click Confirm. You can optionally enter a name for your live app test.
  6. On the Create Live App Test screen, upload your app file and complete all fields in the Required Details section. Optionally, you can update or add a name for your test in the Live App Test title field. The name you choose will appear on the Live App Testing dashboard. If you don't name your LAT, the Developer Console uses the default naming scheme, which is: Test #X, where X is the latest test number. The required fields are listed here. To learn more about a field, click the name.

    Note: If your app targets Fire TV, you must include two icons, one 512 x 512px and one 1280 x 720px. During LAT, the same app icons are used for all locales. You can provide localized icons after you finish your LAT and promote your app to the upcoming live version.

    For certain optional fields, if you opt not to complete them, default values are used. The default values are listed in the following table.

    Default values
    Field Default value
    Availability All countries and regions where Amazon sells apps
    Pricing Free
    Accelerated Timelines Do not enable
    Important: After the Live App Test starts, you can no longer update accelerated timelines.

    Notes on submitting your test

    Large icon is required

    After you submit, you are taken to the Live App Testing dashboard, which lists active and past tests for your app. If you need to add testers, see Add testers.

    Differences from standard app submission process

    Live App Testing submission differs from the standard app submission workflow. The following fields that are available in the app submission flow, aren't available during LAT submission.

    To complete these fields, finish your testing and promote your app to the upcoming live version. After the app is promoted, the fields of the current non-submitted app will populate with metadata from the LAT version of the app. Now you can complete any missing or additional information before submitting your app for publishing.

    Note: When you create a new LAT for an existing app, you can choose whether you want to copy existing details from the version of your app that is currently live, or from your previous Live App Test.

    Add testers

    For general instructions on how to manage testers in your account, see Manage Testers. To add testers to a specific LAT, follow these steps.

    Live App Testing dashboard; Manage testers is clickable text

    1. Select Manage testers from the dashboard.
    2. On the testers screen, select Add new testers. All testers must be in a group. From this screen, you can choose to add new testers or add existing testers from an existing group.
      • Add New Testers
      • Add Existing Testers

    1. Select the Add new testers radio button.
    2. You can either upload a CSV file or add testers individually. If you use a CSV file, list the testers with the format: E-mail,First name,Last name. If you add testers individually, use the plus button to add more. You can add yourself as a tester to get an invitation email and be notified that the app is available to download and test.
    3. Add the testers to a group by either creating a new group, or adding the testers to an existing group.
    4. To create a new group, select Create new tester group. This opens a new field labeled Add new tester group. Click the checkbox for Add new tester group and enter a name for the group in the field. Add testers to LAT screen; Create new tester group is clickable textThe Add new tester group checkbox is checked. Underneath is a text input field where you can name the new tester group.
    5. To add the tester to an existing group, select the groups to which you want the tester added.

    Note: If you chose to add this tester to groups that are associated with other apps, you can choose to add this tester to those apps by selecting "Add testers to all LATs currently associated with the selected group(s)."

    Add testers to LAT screen. The Add existing testers radio button is selected. Underneath is a radio button for Add entire groups and a radio button for Select testers from groups.

    1. Select the Add existing testers radio button.
    2. Under Existing testers, use the radio buttons to choose whether to add entire groups or select specific testers from one or more groups.
    3. After choosing the groups or testers, select Add.

    Menu is open and shows options Edit and Submit; Submit is highlighted

  7. After adding testers, go to the Live App Testing dashboard to view the active tests.
  8. If you haven't yet submitted your LAT, in the Actions column of the active test, select the menu button, then select Submit.

You have completed the process. Testers receive two notifications, an email link and, if eligible, a push notification on their device. After submitting your app to Live App Testing, it can take up to several hours before your testers receive their email invitations. For more information, see Prepare App Testers.

Important: When your testers receive their emails, if a specific device is not sold in their marketplace, that device does not appear under the registered devices on the Live App Testing retail page for the app. For example, because Amazon does not sell Fire TV in Italy, if you send a Live App Testing invitation for a Fire TV app to a user testing the Italian marketplace, when the user clicks through to the retail page for the app, the drop-down menu is replaced by a Continue button on the invitation.

Warning: Live App Testing is not supported for the Mexico marketplace ( Any LAT invite emails generated from the Developer Console will not contain LAT links specific to the Mexico Marketplace. In order to gain access to LAT version of apps, testers should use links to the US marketplace (or others).

Live App Testing dashboard

The Live App Testing dashboard is where you can manage your active tests and see past tests. To get familiar with the sections of the LAT dashboard, review the following image. Click the image for a closer view.

This is the Live App Testing dashboard. Manage active test and testers in the Active Tests section. View past tests is the Past Tests section.

To access the dashboard, go to the Developer Console, select Apps & Services > My Apps and find your app. Select the menu icon under Actions, and choose Live App Testing.

Next steps

Learn how to manage testers, prepare your app testers, and manage your tests.

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024