This comprehensive handbook covers all major aspects of optomechanical engineering - from conceptual design to fabrication and integration of complex optical systems. The practical information within is ideal for optical and optomechanical engineers and scientists involved in the design, development and integration of modern optical systems for commercial, space, and military applications. Charts, tables, figures, and photos augment this already impressive text. Fully revised, the new edition includes 4 new chapters: Plastic optics, Optomechanical tolerancing and error budgets, Analysis and design of flexures, and Optomechanical constraint equations.
1 Optical Fundamentals Robert E. Parks, Ronald R. Willey and Frédéric Lamontagne
2 Optomechanical Design Principles Daniel Vukobratovich
3 Materials for Optical Systems Trent Newswander and Roger A. Paquin
4 Mirror Materials Trent Newswander and Roger A. Paquin
5 Plastic Optics Michael P. Schaub
6 Lightweight Mirror Design Daniel Vukobratovich
7 Optomechanical Tolerancing and Error Budgets Frédéric Lamontagne
8 Optical Mounts: Lenses, Windows, Small Mirrors, and Prisms Paul Yoder and Frédéric Lamontagne
9 Adjustment Mechanisms Anees Ahmad
10 Analysis and Design of Flexures Alson E. Hatheway
11 The Optomechanical Constraint Equations Alson E. Hatheway
12 Structural Analysis of Optics Victor Genberg and Keith Doyle
13 Thermal and Thermoelastic Analysis of Optics Keith Doyle and Victor Genberg
14 Fabrication Methods Darell Engelhaupt, John Schaefer and Anees Ahmad
"Material presented is good, and I am confident in the approach…. A handy reference for mechanical engineers and those who supervise them."
— John W Pepi, L3 Technologies SSG, Wilmington, Massachusetts, USA"The second edition of Handbook of Optomechanical Engineering is very comprehensive for optical or mechanical engineers whose work is related to optomechanical design. In addition to optomechanical design principles and mounting principles for optical elements, the new contents cover optical plastics, flexure design, and tolerancing and error budget, which are very helpful for implementing precision optomechanical design nowadays. It is highly recommended to optomechanical engineers and students who are interested in optomechanical design."
— Yi-Cheng Chen, National Central University, Taiwan"The contributing authors are basically a list of ‘Who’s Who’ in optomechanics. The breadth of topics covered makes it incredibly useful for all aspects of optomechanical engineering and the fact that each chapter is authored by a subject matter expert provides excellent depth. The content strikes the right balance between having enough detail to be able to put the concepts into practice, yet approachable enough to be easily understood."
— Katie Schwertz, Edmund Optics, Tucson, Arizona, USA"The subject areas logically ordered and are easy accessible. The book is excellently suitable for people looking for potential solutions without being bothered by too much detail."
— Jan Nijenhuis, TNO, The Netherlands
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